
About Me

I practise tyranny in being gluttony.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Equations for success and wisdom

As stated by Nirmala, the equations for success and wisdom can be:

Innocence + Faith (catalyst) = Success

If we are not innocent, it is difficult to have faith (we know the truth, we know what works and what doesn't, we know how bad the world really is, we understand where others are coming from and don't trust people). If we don't have faith in anything, it's difficult to succeed. So, success will have to start (and continue) with innocence. It should be possible to retain one's innocence even with increasing success. To give an example of this explanation, suppose if we want to do a business with someone but are afraid to trust the person (lack of innocence) and don't really believe in ourselves (lack of faith), we won't know the sweet taste of success.

Ignorance + Learning (catalyst) = Wisdom

If we believe that we are not ignorant and know just about everything there is to know, then we don't want to learn or rather we don't think there is anything to be learned. If we don't learn, we are not gaining any wisdom. Hence, we need to start with ignorance to gain wisdom. It should be possible to be ignorant and wise at the same time. The term ignorance, in this context, means to have the attitude to learn; to be learnable.

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